Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Icando now fully accredited with the LGSETA!

Great news! Icando has been awarded full SAQA accreditation as a training provider for LGSETA for qualifications in Environmental Practice NQF levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, having undergone a re-accreditation audit at the end of September 2009.

This means that if someone goes on one of our courses they can claim back their skills development levies from the SETA in terms of South Africa's Skills Development Act.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hazardous waste management course, Swaziland

June has recently returned from running a hazardous waste course for the Swaziland Electrical Company in Swaziland. Old transformer oil and e-waste are some of the wastes they have to manage.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DAEARD Waste Management Training

Icando ran an Introduction to Waste Management course for the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Rural Development (DAEARD) in Pietermaritzburg from 18-19 August. The course was attended by provincial Environmental Officers from various districts in KwaZulu-Natal, a wonderfully motivated and enthusiastic group of learners who gave us very positive feedback.

Here are a few photos of the course in progress (click on images to enlarge them):

June addressing participants

Learners working together on an activity

June explaining landfill site selection to the group

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Website redesign

We're in the process of updating and redesigning our website. It should be up and fully-functional in the next few weeks.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Poster for National Environment Week, 2006

Artwork by Erica Lombard.
Click the picture to see a larger version: the detail is fun to explore!