Sunday, December 12, 2010

SAQA NQF Level 5 Course: Environmental Management & Integrated Waste Management from a Legal Perspective

With South Africa's new Waste Act now in place, we have encountered a demand for training which explains the new legislation for the local municipalities tasked with implementation and enforcement. In response to this, we have developed a 5 day skills development programme aligned with relevant NQF Level 5 unit standards that form part of the qualification in Environmental Management.

We have designed the programme to equip learners with the technical and organizational elements required for occupational competence, while also supporting the development of skills and knowledge to enable each individual to perform their local authority role effectively and with confidence.

The material covered focuses particularly on legal issues around integrated environmental management, specifically waste management and enforcement. Material covered includes SAQA Unit Standard 264461, "Demonstrate an understanding of Integrated Waste Management", and Unit Standard 264458, "Explain the regulatory framework for environmental management".

From 8 - 12 November Icando ran the course, tailored for a group of officials from the O R Tambo District Municipality in Eastern Cape. Some of the highlights included a session with Frances Craigie of the Green Scorpions, and site visits to the state-of-the-art Durban Solid Waste Marianhill Landfill Site with its Materials Recycling Facility, Nursery and rehabilitated nature reserve area; National Plant Foods, a composting operation near Inchanga, a buy-back centre run in conjunction with Durban Solid Waste, and Compass Waste's healthcare waste treatment facility in Westmead.

We are very happy with the positive feedback received.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Greening Durban 2010 Sustainable Waste Management Guideline Launched

June and Rosemary have been involved as co-authors of a Sustainable Waste Management Guideline commissioned by the eThekwini Municipality. Launched yesterday, the Guideline is packed with practical info on stuff like recycling, composting and the truth about how safe PET plastics really are. DOWNLOAD A PDF OF THE GUIDELINE FREE FROM HERE.

The Greening Durban 2010 Sustainable Waste Management Guideline

It's part of a suite of four Green Guidelines developed for the Greening Durban 2010 Programme, the eThekwini Municipality Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department's initiative aimed at ensuring that the 2010 FIFA World Cup is hosted in an environmentally sustainable way, and that a positive environmental legacy is achieved from hosting the event in Durban.

eThekwini's Mayor His Worship Cllr Obed Mlaba addresses those attending the launch at the Moses Mabhida Stadium. Also pictured are (left) Dr Debra Roberts, Deputy Head of Environmental Planning & Climate Protection, and Margaret McKenzie of Imagine Durban.

Alongside ours on Waste Management, the other Guidelines deal with Energy Efficiency, Water Conservation and Green Landscaping. Together the suite promotes more resource- and cost-efficient ways of designing, building and operating buildings and infrastructure throughout Durban.

The Green Guidelines are aimed at the general public, with useful suggestions and tips for householders, industry, schools and business. You can download the whole suite from the Imagine Durban site.

The whole suite of Green Guidelines (click on image to enlarge)

Photos: Rosemary Lombard

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Icando now fully accredited with the LGSETA!

Great news! Icando has been awarded full SAQA accreditation as a training provider for LGSETA for qualifications in Environmental Practice NQF levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, having undergone a re-accreditation audit at the end of September 2009.

This means that if someone goes on one of our courses they can claim back their skills development levies from the SETA in terms of South Africa's Skills Development Act.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hazardous waste management course, Swaziland

June has recently returned from running a hazardous waste course for the Swaziland Electrical Company in Swaziland. Old transformer oil and e-waste are some of the wastes they have to manage.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DAEARD Waste Management Training

Icando ran an Introduction to Waste Management course for the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Rural Development (DAEARD) in Pietermaritzburg from 18-19 August. The course was attended by provincial Environmental Officers from various districts in KwaZulu-Natal, a wonderfully motivated and enthusiastic group of learners who gave us very positive feedback.

Here are a few photos of the course in progress (click on images to enlarge them):

June addressing participants

Learners working together on an activity

June explaining landfill site selection to the group

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Website redesign

We're in the process of updating and redesigning our website. It should be up and fully-functional in the next few weeks.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Poster for National Environment Week, 2006

Artwork by Erica Lombard.
Click the picture to see a larger version: the detail is fun to explore!